The Impact of Smart Technologies on theManagement and Strategic Control: A Structured Literature Review

Autori/Curatori Rosa Lombardi, Raffaele Trequattrini, Federico Schimperna, Myriam Cano-Rubio
Anno di pubblicazione 2021 Fascicolo 2021/suppl. 1
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 20 P. 11-30 Dimensione file 293 KB
DOI 10.3280/MACO2021-001-S1002
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This research proposes a systematic literature review (SLR) of the application of big data, analytics, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence to company management and strategic control. Thus, this paper attempts to answer the following research questions: 1) How is the literature on the application of big data, analytics, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence to management and strategic control developed in the business, management and accounting fields? 2) On which aspects of this application does the literature focus? 3) What are the implications that arise for companies? In this paper, we used a longitudinal study of research documents in the form of last-decade literature collected from Scopus database as the leading source for the international scenario. After, we selected business, management, and accounting areas, and screened the titles and abstracts of the research documents, we based the final result on 60 scientific documents as sources relevant to the aim of this SLR. The findings highlight four main topic clusters. We specifically explain smart technologies’ usefulness for each analyzed business function, and, while adopting a critical perspective, we point out the interesting current streams of research resulting from the application of new sources of technology. We conclude by proposing valuable insights gleaned from the study. Thus, our results are useful for both the academic and the professional community.

Keywords:Big data, Analytics, Business intelligence, Artificial intelligence, Management and strategic control, Decision-making

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Rosa Lombardi, Raffaele Trequattrini, Federico Schimperna, Myriam Cano-Rubio, The Impact of Smart Technologies on theManagement and Strategic Control: A Structured Literature Review in "MANAGEMENT CONTROL" suppl. 1/2021, pp 11-30, DOI: 10.3280/MACO2021-001-S1002