Fatti e norme nell'organizzazione

Autori/Curatori Maurizio Catino
Anno di pubblicazione 2002 Fascicolo 2001/2-3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 30 P. Dimensione file 132 KB
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Fatti e norme nell'organizzazione (di Maurizio Catino) - ABSTRACT: The paper is about reforms concerning italian public administration during last decades. The aim of the author is to underline the common constrain of the italian reforming paths arguing that the normative innovation had only partial effects. In fact innovation comes from a legal and formal policy community paradigm. According to that paradigm the organisations are legal systems working as machines. Organisations are considered as atoms and their activities are defined by rules. The paper argues that on the basis of this legal and formal approach people in organisational reform can modify just one of the three organisational levels, the one concerning legal and formal asset, but not the other ones: the organisational, (processes, services, professional systems, operative and coordination mechanisms) and the cognitive (cognitions related to working practices) levels. The paper ends with some implications - for theory and action - of introducing a different integrated approach of reform.;

Maurizio Catino, Fatti e norme nell'organizzazione in "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI " 2-3/2001, pp , DOI: