Respect for autonomy, respect for humanity. Ethics in the face of dementia

Author/s Stefano Semplici
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 63-89 File size 348 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2024-002005
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Respecting people means, first and foremost, respect for their autonomy, not only in the context of medical ethics that has dismissed the old paternalistic paradigm. It is precisely autonomy that is progressively eroded in the various forms of dementia: the patient becomes unable not only to cope with the normal demands of daily life but also to make decisions that concern his or her health. One of the most controversial issues is that of the weight to be given to advance directives: the argument that they should be accorded a strongly binding value precisely because they are an expression of the autonomy that existed and is now lost is countered by that of a balance that also takes into account the wishes and preferences that the patient continues to express and on which his or her well-being depends. Are there other dimensions of humanity that, along with autonomy, have value and deserve respect? A positive answer to this question requires a more nuanced reflection on issues such as the prereflexive dimension of existence, the role of relationships, the principle of equality, and the responsibilities of care that correspond to the different stages of the progression of the disease.

Keywords: autonomy, end-of-life decisions, dementia, dignity, best interests, respect.

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Stefano Semplici, Rispetto dell’autonomia, rispetto dell’umanità. L’etica di fronte alle demenze in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2024, pp 63-89, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2024-002005