Author/s Alessandra Bigoni, Simona Caputo, Annalisa Paterna, Anna Viganò, Francesca Brivio, Silvia Cozzolino, Anna Maria Cebrelli, Michela Bernardini, Andrea Greco
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2025/1
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 126-146 File size 159 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2025-001010
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Background. Simulation in healthcare is a training technique that enables students and health professionals to experience, in a protected context, clinical situations typical of their work. Such training can be delivered through different modalities, which involve the deliberate practice of skills theoretically acquired. Currently, to the best of our experience and knowledge, a small number of studies have explored the differences between online and in-presence simulation. Therefore, this paper aims to compare these two types of simulation. Methods. Studies compared in this study involved twenty-eight students enrolled in the Nursing Bachelor’s Degree Course at the University of Eastern Piedmont, who individually participated in simulation with a Simulated Patient either in presence or online. Subsequently, a total of 6 focus groups were conducted with students, 4 tutors, 3 debriefers and 3 simulated patients. Results. Analysis reveals similarities in learning, with positive results on the perception of psychological safety in the working context and on self-efficacy; in addition, the presence of the Simulated Patient seems to guarantee the realism of the scenario. A central element of distinction between the two activities, however, is the non-verbal dimension of communication with the patient. Conclusion. Potential for professional growth related to the implementation of simulation methods (in-presence and online) in university courses emerges. The need for the application and integration of the two modalities in different teaching contexts is also noted, expanding the possibility to develop projects for the learning of relational skills, alongside the technical ones, which are important for patient care and the well-being of operators.
Keywords: online simulated patient, in-presence simulated patient, simulation, students, nurse
Alessandra Bigoni, Simona Caputo, Annalisa Paterna, Anna Viganò, Francesca Brivio, Silvia Cozzolino, Anna Maria Cebrelli, Michela Bernardini, Andrea Greco, Paziente simulato online e in presenza: implicazioni in termini di apprendimento, percezione di autoefficacia e sicurezza psicologica nel contesto sanitario in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2025, pp 126-146, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2025-001010