The genetic code of Strategic Metropolitan Plans

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Marco Marchitiello, Carlo Pisano, Giuseppe De Luca
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/99
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 149-163 File size 597 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2021-099020
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The transition from province to metropolitan cities marked a crucial transformation in the management of the Italian territory. Despite the large resonance of 56/2014 law, until today only eight Strategic Metropolitan Plans (smp) have been approved. The scientific literature presents only a small number of comparative studies on this topic. This paper analyzes the shape and the structure of the first seven strategic metropolitan plans approved. Through analytical and comparative methods, this contribution aims to return them in graphic form. The results of the study illustrate the psms analysed through seven figures generated by a process of deconstructing and rebuild, performed through the use of figurative elements that re- present arguments, methods, and process applied in their development, outlining differences and facilitating a more effective comparative capacity.

Keywords: metropolitan city; strategic metropolitan plan; genetic code

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Marco Marchitiello, Carlo Pisano, Giuseppe De Luca, Il codice genetico dei Piani Strategici Metropolitani in "TERRITORIO" 99/2021, pp 149-163, DOI: 10.3280/TR2021-099020