"Tra inclusione ed emarginazione?" Percorsi scolastici dei giovani d’origine immigrata nella scuola secondaria superiore italiana

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Andrea Ravecca
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/1
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 163-187 File size 232 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2009-001008
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"Between inclusion and exclusion"? Scholastic path of migrant origin youth in the Italian High School - In the last few years, the Italian migra-tory setting has been characterised by an increasing presence of second generation young migrants, most of them in the school. Their educational integration has been studied mostly referring to the processes of cultural inclusion in the receiving society, with a minor attention on the achievement. We will try to describe the young migrants’ educational paths in the high school, that - in case of failure - could represent the starting point of social and occupational marginalization, or, if they are succeeding, it could represent the first step of intergenerational mobility. Starting from the most relevant theories on the school achievement of the migrant children, we will examine the concept of human, cultural and social capital as a factor influencing the differences in the educational outcomes: we will also ana-lyse the concept of ethnic capital, and its particular characteristics in Ecuadorian migrants. A research run in Genoa in the school year 2006/07 with two samples of youth in high secondary school, one of second generation Ecuadorians, one of Ital-ians with the same characteristic, allows to better understand differences and com-munalities in the educational paths.

Keywords Social capital, human capital, school achievement, socialization, second generations.

Andrea Ravecca, "Tra inclusione ed emarginazione?" Percorsi scolastici dei giovani d’origine immigrata nella scuola secondaria superiore italiana in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 1/2009, pp 163-187, DOI: 10.3280/MM2009-001008