Quadri urbani e strutture territoriali nel Veronese: l'epoca veneta e i caratteri originari

Titolo Rivista STORIA URBANA
Autori/Curatori Marco Pasa
Anno di pubblicazione 2002 Fascicolo 2001/95
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 28 P. Dimensione file 105 KB
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The research discusses the Territory of Verona during the Venetian Era, underlining physical and administrative aspects and, in particular, analysing border problems, means of communications, and the most important market places. During the Venetian Era in the Territory of Verona, the definition of territories, urban features, and territorial structures, which the Scaligeri government (following the feudal system) had only been able to outline, began to take shape. Among other things, this article describes the loss of importance, starting in the first thirty years of 600, of the River Adige as the principal means of communication between the Adriatic and Central Europe, and the movement, at the same time, of commercial routes to the River Brenta and the River Oglio. Outlined as well is the central position of the road network of the Lake Garda-River Mincio-River Po link to the Resia Pass, which, as early as the Roman Era, was preferred to the Brenner Pass, and the beginning in 1630, thanks to the Venetian positionings at Peschiera, Legnago and Mantua, of that huge defensive system which, during the Austrian period, would be called the Quadrilateral.;

Marco Pasa, Quadri urbani e strutture territoriali nel Veronese: l'epoca veneta e i caratteri originari in "STORIA URBANA " 95/2001, pp , DOI: