La sociologia urbana in italia

Autori/Curatori Gian Franco Elia
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/63
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. Dimensione file 29 KB
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This essay investigates the difficulties that Urban Sociology had to face in Italy in its early days in order to become a legitimate, independent discipline. The author then moves on to annualizing its interactions with neighboring disciplines (History, Economics,). He lists the major topics that Italian urban sociologists have dealt with over the past few decades, highlighting the following: conflict development within urban context; individual and group behaviour in industrial cities; the process of transition from rural to urban models; the development of new urban systems based on the rediscovery of former rural patterns. After the social events of 1968, urban sociologists seem to share a more realistic approach to the analysis of urban transformation, of social change, and of the problems of co-habitation which arise within the cities. In the 80s, housing space and habits start being discussed. But a major change within urban society is suddenly brought about by a sharp increase in the rates of immigration and poverty. Moreover, after Law 142/90 was passed, the discussion over metropolis and territorial planning, two of the major themes of urban sociology’s early days, regained its vigour.;

Gian Franco Elia, La sociologia urbana in italia in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 63/2000, pp , DOI: