Psychological Capital as a Predictor of Professional Resilience Capacities of Teachers in Public Schools

Titolo Rivista CADMO
Autori/Curatori Ceyhun Kavrayici, Venera Shikhkamalova, Ahu Tamdogan Evliyaoglu
Anno di pubblicazione 2025 Fascicolo 2024/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. 71-77 Dimensione file 226 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2024-002005
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This study examined the relationship between psychological capital and professional resilience among public school teachers. It aimed to determine the extent to which psychological capital predicts professional resilience. The quantitative study used a correlational survey model, with a sample of 410 teachers from Bursa Province, Turkey, during the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were collected using a Personal Information Form, the “Psychological Capital Perception Scale”, and the “Teacher Professional Resilience Scale”, and analyzed using SPSS 22. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and regression analysis were conducted. Results showed positive, significant relationships between psychological capital and professional resilience. Teachers rated their professional resilience as “moderate.” While hope, efficacy, and resilience (but not optimism) were predictors of professional resilience, overall perceptions of both psychological capital and professional resilience were not particularly high. The study suggests a need to strengthen teachers’ psychological capital and enhance their professional resilience.;

Keywords:psychological capital, professional resilience, public schools, teachers.

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Ceyhun Kavrayici, Venera Shikhkamalova, Ahu Tamdogan Evliyaoglu, Psychological Capital as a Predictor of Professional Resilience Capacities of Teachers in Public Schools in "CADMO" 2/2024, pp 71-77, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2024-002005