The Cultural Internationalism of the French Socialist Party at the Turning Point of Globalization (1971-1981)

Autori/Curatori Judith Bonnin
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/44
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 18 P. 88-105 Dimensione file 193 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2019-044005
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This article explores the cultural internationalism of the French Socialist party (Ps) from its birth in 1971, under F. Mitterrand’s leadership, until its electoral victories in 1981. During this major decade for the political, economic but also cultural globalization, its internationalism is a weak ideology. However, the Ps is mobilized in a lot of contemporary struggles all around the world and subscribes, like its ancestry, to the Socialist International. To decipher what its internationalism eff ectively means for the French Ps, the author chose here to study its cultural basis and productions.

Keywords:Globalization, Socialism, Political party, Culture, Internationalism

Judith Bonnin, The Cultural Internationalism of the French Socialist Party at the Turning Point of Globalization (1971-1981) in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 44/2019, pp 88-105, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2019-044005