Economics or Political Economy? Marshall and Pareto as Mill’s Heirs

Autori/Curatori Alberto Zanni
Anno di pubblicazione 2011 Fascicolo 2010/101
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 11 P. 55-65 Dimensione file 490 KB
DOI 10.3280/STE2010-101003
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The a. intends to demonstrate that Marshall and Pareto are descendants of S. Mill’s social science. To this end, he starts by answering a question neglected by experts on Marshall: Alfred and Mary Paley Marshall adopted "Economics" instead of "Political Economy" going on the basis of the "fundamental theorem of political science" legible in Mill’s System of Logic. As far as Pareto is concerned, the a. holds that: a) his maximum of utility in Sociology is as well tied to that "fundamental theorem" of Mill; b) Pareto had fully recognized his intellectual debt towards Mill. He did so by following a rule he had always respected, except for Cournot. The present essay is one of two the a. commits to two questions: which are Pareto’s intellectual debts? Has he always recognized them?

Keywords:Marshall, Pareto, Stuart Mill, methodology, sociology, social science

Jel codes:B13

Alberto Zanni, Economics or Political Economy? Marshall and Pareto as Mill’s Heirs in "STUDI ECONOMICI " 101/2010, pp 55-65, DOI: 10.3280/STE2010-101003