Igualdad "ma non troppo"? Una reflexiòn crìtica sobre la reciente legislaciòn espanola en materia de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres

Autori/Curatori María José Anón
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 29 P. 77-105 Dimensione file 238 KB
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Equality ma non troppo? A Critical Appraisal of Spain’s Recent Legislation in the Area of Equality Between Women and Men (by María José Añón) - ABSTRACT: This article sets out to provide an approximate description of Spain’s latest legislation in the area of equality between men and women, so as to analyse some of its salient conceptual and theoretical premises and their consequences. It goes about this by starting from the categories to be found at the root of the most basic of inequalities: the division between the public and private spheres and their interactions. From these parameters, it then progresses by analysing some of the methods proposed by the law for overcoming the negative effects that inequalities in the private sphere project onto the spheres of public life. In this regard, the author restricts her commentary to the promotion of co-responsibility and of participatory presence in social and political frameworks. In a second stage, she focuses attention on the concept of discrimination adopted by the law, its conceptual and normative ability to abolish all processes of discrimination and its limitations.;

María José Anón, Igualdad "ma non troppo"? Una reflexiòn crìtica sobre la reciente legislaciòn espanola en materia de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 1/2008, pp 77-105, DOI: