Psicosomatica ieri e oggi. Indagine sull'eredità storica di Freud e Alexander alla luce dei nodi teorici ricorrenti

Autori/Curatori Mauro Fornaro
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 30 P. 315-344 Dimensione file 225 KB
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Psychosomatics yesterday and today. a review of Freud’s and Alexander’s historical legacy in the light of recurring theoretical questions. ABSTRACT: The Author, after distinguishing the different meanings of psychosomatics and somatization, critically reconstructs the most qualifying aspects of the line of thinking shared by Sigmund Freud and Franz Alexander hegemonic in the psychoanalytic circles until the 1950s following six puzzling questions recurring in the history of psychosomatics. He discusses some less emphasized aspects in the thinking of Freud and Alexander, and furthermore points out beyond a linear development of the history of ideas the revival, mutatis mutandis, of fruitful insights arisen in another cultural context. Particularly, the specificity issue is questioned. Finally, discussing some indications that were virtual in Freud and actual in Alexander, he suggests to use today psychosomatics at most to mean the philosophical framework consisting in a holistic solution of the mind-body problem within a functionalist and adaptivist conception. [KEY WORDS: Alexander, emotion, Freud, holism, psychic causation].;

Mauro Fornaro, Psicosomatica ieri e oggi. Indagine sull'eredità storica di Freud e Alexander alla luce dei nodi teorici ricorrenti in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 3/2007, pp 315-344, DOI: