Genetic Tests and Informed Consent

Autori/Curatori Marco Seri, Claudio Graziano, Daniela Turchetti, Juri Monducci
Anno di pubblicazione 2013 Fascicolo 2012/3EN
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 30 P. 59-88 Dimensione file 147 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2012-003005EN
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The pace of discovery in human genetics has increased exponentially over the last thirty years. We have witnessed the completion of the Human Genome Project, the identification of hundreds of disease-causing genes, and the dawn of genomic medicine (clinical care based on genomic information). The reduction of DNA sequencing costs, thanks to so-called "next generation sequencing" technologies, is ushering in an era of "personal genomes, but the scientific as well as ethical challenges ahead are countless. Here we provide an overview discussing the classification of genetic tests, informed consent procedures in the context of genetic counselling, and specific ethical issues raised by the implementation of new DNA sequencing technologies.

Keywords:Genetic Tests, Genetic counselling, Next generation sequencing, Personalized medicine, Informed consent, Ethical issues

Marco Seri, Claudio Graziano, Daniela Turchetti, Juri Monducci, Genetic Tests and Informed Consent in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3EN/2012, pp 59-88, DOI: 10.3280/SES2012-003005EN