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Teachers with disabilities

A cura di: Rosa Bellacicco, Dario Ianes

Teachers with disabilities

Dilemmas, challenges and opportunities

The entry of teachers with disabilities/SLDs into the teaching profession can represent a decisive step towards the development of increasingly higher levels of inclusion both in teacher training and in the school setting. The volume presents a multi-perspective reflection on the subject, presenting two systematic reviews on international research on the topic and an empirical study conducted within the Italian context.

Pagine: 122

ISBN: 9788835140108

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 11750.15

Informazioni sugli open access

The promotion of greater diversity in the socio-demographic profile of the teaching population is the subject of an increasing international interest. However, the perspective of teachers with disabilities/specific learning disorders (SLDs) is still poorly investigated, especially in Italy.
The entry of teachers with disabilities/SLDs into the teaching profession can represent a decisive step towards the development of increasingly higher levels of inclusion both in teacher training and in the school setting, also considering the benefits that teachers with disabilities/SLDs can bring in terms of inclusive values and practices. Although, the topic raises some dilemmas and tensions, elicited by the dual mandate of schools and universities, which are called to ensure the quality of: a) the educational offer; b) the professional profile of (student) teachers who (will) work in schools. At the same time, they need to grant (student) teachers the right to use accommodations during their educational and professional career.
The volume presents a multi-perspective reflection on the subject, presenting - in particular - two systematic reviews on international research on the topic and an empirical study conducted within the Italian context. The latter investigated the facets underlying the inclusion of (student) teachers with disabilities/SLDs through a multi-method approach.

Rosa Bellacicco is a researcher in Special Education at the University of Turin. Her research interests focus on school and university inclusion.

Dario Ianes is a full professor of Inclusive Education at the Primary Teacher Education program of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and co-founder of Centro Studi Erickson (Trento). He is author of numerous articles on school inclusion.

Filippo Barbera, Preface. Follow the hummingbird, not the white rabbit!
Rosa Bellacicco, Heidrun Demo, Student teachers with disabilities/SLDs: the state of the art
(Introduction; Literature review; The dilemma underlying the presence of people with disabilities/SLDs in teacher training and in the teaching profession References)
Rosa Bellacicco, Heidrun Demo, Dario Ianes, The "BECOM-IN" research project: method and context
(The "BECOM-IN" research; The research context: peculiarities of the "dilemma of professional competence" in Italy; Method; References)
Rosa Bellacicco, Student teachers with disabilities/SLDs from the perspective of academic staff: a questionnaire about the "dilemma of professional competence" and the attitudes
(Theoretical framework of the questionnaire; Findings; Discussion; References)
Luca Decembrotto, Andrea Mangiatordi, Student teachers with disabilities/SLDs: an analysis of experiences and expectations
(Introduction; Method; Data analysis; Conclusion; References)
Ines Guerini, Clarissa Sorrentino, Teachers with disabilities/SLDs and their colleagues: an analysis of experiences from university to professional career
(Introduction; Method; Data analysis and discussion; Conclusion; References)
Dario Ianes, Policy implications of the BECOM-IN project findings
(A new perspective)

Contributi: Luca Decembrotto, Heidrun Demo, Ines Guerini, Andrea Mangiatordi

Collana: Traiettorie inclusive - Open Access

Argomenti: Didattica, scienze della formazione

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