New prospects for internationalisation.

A cura di: Amedeo Amato

New prospects for internationalisation.

A Conference Report

In 2008 the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa set up the Permanent Observatory on the Economies of the Mediterranean. It was presented to firms and academics at a conference held on 21st November 2008. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference and a first set of essays focusing on methodological and applicative aspects of country risk analysis, assessment of the short-term volatility of key macroeconomic variables and analyses of sustainability in the long term.

Pagine: 160

ISBN: 9788856815788

Edizione: 1a edizione 2010

Codice editore: 365.754

Disponibilità: Discreta

In 2008 the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa (Italy) - in the context of the Institute for International Economics which has been active since 1947 - set up the Permanent Observatory on the Economies of the Mediterranean.
The Observatory was established in anticipation of the imminent creation of the Mediterranean free trade area, which has been given a strong boost by the last phase of the Barcelona Process. It was presented to firms and academics at a conference held on 21st November 2008 with the participation of the Italian Minister for Economic Development. With the contribution of a network of economists from different countries, the Observatory will carry out research directed mainly at providing firms and policy-makers with indications concerning prospects for the economy of the southern Mediterranean coast. The activity of the Observatory will occasionally extend also to other countries considered of interest due to the effects they can have on the economies of the Mediterranean or on the global economy.
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference and a first set of essays focusing on methodological and applicative aspects of country risk analysis, assessment of the short-term volatility of key macroeconomic variables and analyses of sustainability in the long term, which are also published in the journal International Economics, August 2009.

Editor's Preface
Paolo Odone, The Istitute for International Economics and the Journal Economia Internazionale/International Economics
Amedeo Amato, Permanent Observatory on Southern Mediterranean Economies: Mission and Early Findings
Amedeo Amato, Paolo Odone, Award of International Economics Prize and Francesco Manzitti Prize
Paolo Savona, A New Bretton Woods to Decide on what? Some Thoughts about the Current Crisis
Giuseppe Zampini, New Prospects for Internationalisation: A Case Study
Claudio Scajola, Conclusions
David Carment, Yiagadeesen Samy, Stewart Prest, Approaches to Country Risk Analysis and Early Warning
Tony Cavoli, Ramkishen S. Rajan, Managing Risks in a Volatile Environment: The Capital Inflows Problem in Asia
Ephraim Clark, Konstantinos Kassimatis, The Effect of Country Default Risk on Foreign Investment
Sabina Khurram Jafri, External Debt Sustainability Analysis for the Medium Term: A Case Study
Imad A. Moosa, Talla M. Al-Deehani, The Myth of International Diversification.

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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