Moving from the crisis  to sustainability.

Grazia Calabrò, Augusto D'Amico, Maurizio Lanfranchi, Giovanni Moschella, Luisa Pulejo, Roberta Salomone

Moving from the crisis to sustainability.

Emerging issues in the international context

The volume contains reports and papers presented at the Trilateral Italy-Poland-Ukraine Conference on “Moving from the crisis to sustainability. Emerging issues in the international context” (Messina, May 2011). The event was an interesting opportunity for discussion, among scholars from various European countries, on economic and legal issues of particular current importance.

Pagine: 488

ISBN: 9788856847055

Edizione: 1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.906

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 488

ISBN: 9788856874679

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.906

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The topics covered in the book presented here take on particular significance in the context of the present delicate international phase, characterized by a profound economic financial crisis that involves the international institutions and community organizations as well as the social policies of the individual States. In this complex framework, which leads to reconsidering the ways of working of the economic operators, governments, citizens-consumers focusing on the perspective that will safeguard the welfare levels achieved and at the same time not affect the development opportunities for future generations, therefore it seems particularly appropriate to make an interdisciplinary reflection, also in terms of comparison.
In view of the multi-disciplinarily nature of the various contributions, the essays were divided into five different main themes: 1. Economic crisis: effects and remedies; 2. Sustainability and financial management; 3. Sustainability and Innovation, 4. Local and territorial sustainability 5. Market and competitivity in the international context.
The hope of the editors is that this publication will serve as an effective contribution to the expansion of the theme "sustainable development".

Luigi Ferlazzo Natoli, Preface
Part I. Economic crisis: effects and remedies
Alina Filip, Changes in consumer behavior and marketing strategy as a response to economic crisis
Maurizio Lanfranchi, Ionela Carmen Rizea (Pirnea), Ramona Ichim, Sustainability Balanced Scorecard in the context of economic crisis
Maria Grazia La Spada, Angelina De Pascale, The crisis of small and medium-sized firms. Emerging issues of sustainability
Jaroslaw Kaczmarek, The role of structural policies in counteracting the crisis
Ryszard Borowiecki, Barbara Siuta-Tokarska, Many-Sidedness and complexity of the present global economic crisis against globalization processes
Antonio F. Forgione, Real estate appraisals and Bank Risk
Part II. Sustainability and financial management
Tiziana La Rocca, Financial crisis effects on firm performance: an overview
Anatolii Mazaraky, Liubov Didkivska, Strategy of Ukraine's economy modernization: social-economic and institutional challenges
Sebastiano Mazzù, Carmelo Biondo, The role of private equity in Italy for the development of innovative firms
Alexander Dudchak, Multipolarity of the modern financial world - a necessary condition of effective redistribution of world resources
Salvatore Sidoti, Social and ethical accountability: patterns of evolution and reporting methods
Carlo Vermiglio, Corporatization of public real estate management for Italian Local Governments. Issues and perspectives
Zbigniew Makiela, Projects management in electrical power engineering
Francesco Ciraolo, From crisis to sustainability. The role of the banking and financial system in the economic stabilization process
David Carfì, Giusy Patané, Samantha Pellegrino, Coopetitive games and sustainability in Project Financing
Adam J. Sulkowski, The connection between sustainability performance, CSR & firm financial value
Part III. Sustainability and innovation
Tindara Abbate, Raffaella Coppolino, Leading sustainable innovation: the role of innovation intermediaries
Maria Cristina Cinici, Daniela Baglieri, Crisis and Sustainability of Regional Clusters: Insights from Two European Cases
Gustavo Barresi, Carmelo Marisca, Energy policy and environmental sustainability in regional development strategy: the regional environmental energy plan for Sicily (PEARS)
Alessandra Cangemi, Angela Giurrandino, Fabio Fragomeni, Programs and tools for enhancing sustainable mobility. European perspective
Augusto D'Amico, Are planned obsolescence and sustainable development compatible? Business strategy and public policy
Roberta Salomone, Giuseppe Saija, Bruno Ricca, Luigi Ciraolo, The role of environmental innovation in firms' sustainable strategies: a sample survey on Italian companies
Part IV. Local and territorial suistainability
Maurizio Lanfranchi, Carlo Giannetto, The diversification of agricultural services as a possible sustainable solution to the economic crisis of the primary sector
Barbara Czerniachowicz, Selected problems of enterpreneurship in rural areas-quoting the example of Zachodniopomorskie voivodship
Grazia Calabrò, Carlo Giannetto, Codrin Chiru, Fruit and vegetable pricing. A comparative study between Italy and Romania
Luisa Pulejo, Social sustainability in local and regional authorities: acknowledging, respecting
and valuing diversity
Nicola Rappazzo, CSR Management: the case of the Sogin CSR Unit
Carlo Giannetto, Maria Luiza Souca, Rural tourism-improving services as an instrument to obtain sustainable economic activity and overcoming the economic crisis
Giuseppe De Vita, Claudio Bellia, Global competitiveness and local coordination: an economic analysis of Malvasia of Lipari DOC
Irina Virginia Dragulanescu, Maricica Drutu (Ivan), Volcano-tourism and its influence on the territory of Mount Etna (Italy) - explored to Stromboli (Italy)
Adele Marino, European Maritime Safety Agency and Risk Management
Part V. Market and competitivity in the international context
David Corfì, Alessandra Trunfio, Coopetitive games and global Green Economy
Natalia Prytulska, Bohdan Holub, Food Safety management in Ukraine within economic globalization
Mario D'Amico, Gabriella Vindigni, Maurizio Lanfranchi, Gioacchino Pappalardo, Degree of competitiveness in the wine sector: synthetic analysis in the EU
Ryszard Borowiecki, Zbigniew Olesinski, The Influence of Coopetition among Organizations on the Process of Economic Integration
Ryszard Borowiecki, The Process of Shaping Relations Among Enterprises, Organizations, Institutions in the Conditions of Globalization and the New Economy
Tomasz Rojek, The Fulfillment of Postulates for Sustainable Development in the European Union
David Carfì, Alessandra Trunfio, A non-linear coopetitive game for global Green Economy
Part VI. Legal changes in a time of crisis
Sergio Alagna, Overcoming the "commonplaces" of economic law: aiming at a more correct political organization and at a set of norms to support the smaller enterprise
Maurizio Ballistreri, Labour Law and legal globalization
Andrea Buccisano, Attracting new economic activities to Italy and implementation of European tax systems
Giovanna Centorrino, Social enterprises: characteristics of the specific Italian law
Magdalena Makiela, International kidnapping as an alternative for extradition?
Giovanni Moschella, The declining phase of social rights in a time of crisis.

Contributi: Luigi Ferlazzo Natoli

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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