Ethic and sport.

Aldo Aledda, Lucio Bizzini, Antonio Carlos Bramante, Marc Maes, Jim Parry, Antonio Spallino, Claudio M. Tamburrini, Yves Vanden Auweele, Georges Vigarello

Ethic and sport.

Youth and manager. Etique et sport. Jeunesse et manager. Etica e sport. Giovani e manager. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of Panathlon International. Antwerp, 22-24 November 2007

This book re-examines the papers delivered at the XVI Congress of Panathlon International held in Antwerp, Belgium. Made in collaboration with the local university, the book is substantially based on contributions from the members of the Scientific-Cultural Commission of this organisation, recognised by the IOC and whose main purpose is to affirm ethical values in sport.

Pagine: 320

ISBN: 9788856803471

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 2000.1240

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 320

ISBN: 9788846494818

Edizione:1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 2000.1240

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Today sport seems to be more and more characterised by a double morality. On the one hand there are the ethical and human principles of the founding fathers: fair play, observance of the rules and respect for opponents, and for the competition, intended as a positive value; on the other hand, new and old types of behaviour that seem to prevail in the modern world, i.e. pursuing victory at all costs, annihilation of the opponent and no mentioning of the dominant doping and commercialisation. How should this apparent antithesis be settled? This volume discusses this issue. Besides assessing the values of sport handed down by tradition, the book tries also to reflect on new emergencies, starting from the cybernetic body that is resulting from a new culture, and moves on to more recent technological conquests, up to genetic doping. At the same time, this volume discusses sports ethics in the light of a wider participation of adults, women, of the elderly and the differently abled, up to the representatives of other ethnic groups practising sport in growing numbers and raising problems that need new ethical approaches.
This book, edited by Aldo Aledda, re-examines the papers delivered at the XVI Congress of Panathlon International held in Antwerp, Belgium. Made in collaboration with the local university, the book is substantially based on contributions from the members of the Scientific-Cultural Commission of this organisation, recognised by the IOC and whose main purpose is to affirm ethical values in sport.
These members include Italian, Belgian, South American and Swiss philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and historians, such as Antonio Spallino, Yves Vanden Aweele, Marila Alvarez, Lucio Bizzini and Marc Maes. It is also enriched by contributions from Argentinean philosopher Claudio Marcel Tamburini, from the English and Brazilian sociologists Jim Parry and Antonio Carlos Bramante, respectively, and from the renowned French historian, Georges Vigarello.

Enrico Prandi, Welcome speech by the International President
Welcome speech by the Record of the University of Antwerp
Aldo Aledda, Introduction. Etichs and sport in a changing society
First part. General ethical principles of sport
Georges Vigarello, Sports manager and changes in sport
Claudio Tamburrini, Sport and the new genetics. Etichal questions
Jim Parry, Ethics in youth sport in the UK. The example of the Football Association ethics strategy group
Antonio Carlos Bramante, Risk of a sport education without ethics to youth. The case of Brazil
Second part. Ethical concepts and Panathlon's concrete actions
Aldo Aledda, Lucio Bizzini, Panathlon's experience and proposal for action
Yves Vanden Auweele, Panathlon Declaration on Ethics in Youth Sport. Process of development. A strategic plan to implement the recomandations. Plea for an integrity policy including two approaches
Yves Vanden Auweele, Marc Maes, Conference solutions. Towards a policy explicitly Promoting integrity in sport
Antonio Spallino, Congress conclusions. A bridge towards a real "fair play"
Annex. Documents
Notes on Authors.

Contributi: Enrico Prandi

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Scenari, terzo millennio, futuribili, problemi generali - Sociologia della salute

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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