La salute in movimento. Le abilità e abitudini motorie dei bambini

Autori/Curatori Emanuela Rabaglietti, Giovanni Musella, Fulvia Gemelli, Silvia Ciairano?, Tiziana Miroglio�
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 9-26 Dimensione file 283 KB
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Moving health. The physical abilities and habits of children ABSTRACT: The project MOVING HEALTH was born from the coordination among different public and private bodies that are busy with physical activity and health in a municipality of the North-West of Italy. It is addressed at mapping the current problems and at constructing a synergy among resources in the community for orienting the future intervention strategies, also on the bases of solicitations of the World Health Organization (WHO, 2004). In particular this study, which uses the data collected in three subsequent waves starting from 04/05 on almost the total school population aged 6 and 10 years (about 3.000 children) has the following goals: a) to describe the anthropometric condition (by the way of BMI); b) to investigate abilities and habits of 6 year children (e.g.: daily time for active and sedentary play); c) to investigate the relationship between time for active and sedentary play and the condition of obesity in 6 year children; d) to investigate the physical abilities of 10 year children (e.g.: elevation and strength). The results (frequencies and chi-squared test; means and analysis of variance; logistic regression) showed that: a) the conditions of overweight and obesity increase in more recent waves, especially among boys aged 6 years; b) the daily time for active play decreases, especially among obese children, while in parallel the time for sedentary play increases; c) the time for active play is negatively related to the condition of obesity; d) the physical abilities of 10 years children decrease, especially for elevation and among overweight children.;

Emanuela Rabaglietti, Giovanni Musella, Fulvia Gemelli, Silvia Ciairano?, Tiziana Miroglio�, La salute in movimento. Le abilità e abitudini motorie dei bambini in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2007, pp 9-26, DOI: