Three Lectures on Monetary Theory
Lectures and debates of a Seminar held at the University of Naples in April 1981
cod. 1600.10
Direzione: M. Pivetti, D. Demarco, A. Graziani, O. Gobbato, L. Izzo, B. Jossa, M. Leccisotti, G.A. Marselli, F. Marzano
Lectures and debates of a Seminar held at the University of Naples in April 1981
cod. 1600.10
cod. 1600.8
Saggi sullo schema teorico di P. Sraffa
cod. 1600.7
cod. 1600.11
cod. 1600.9
cod. 1600.5
cod. 1600.6
cod. 1600.3
cod. 1600.4
cod. 1600.1