Rivista italiana di ipnosi clinica e sperimentale

2 issues per year, ISSN 1971-0461 , ISSNe 1972-4985

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 25.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 21.50

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The historical evolution of hypnosis reveals a common link with many other psychotherapies - a gradual transformation involving a reduction of suggestive intervention in favour of a more natural process that respects the individual's human qualities and restores the strength of their resources. The hypnosis of the past, which for countless centuries was based primarily upon mystical concepts and the power of suggestion, authority and charisma, was artificially constructed and essentially supernatural. Thanks largely to the work of Milton Erickson, today's "New Hypnosis" tends to manifest itself as a widespread natural condition. Simple observation is not always capable of distinguishing this condition from the waking state, which can arise spontaneously and repeatedly. This innovative and naturalistic 'Ericksonian' concept has been reinforced by the recent development of neuro-imaging methods which allow for detailed investigation of the role of hypnosis in the working brain and in neuro-science in general. The scientific journal Ipnosi aims to provide an ideal forum for psychotherapists, researchers, doctors, psychiatrists, scholars in general, and anyone interested in hypnosis and its various applications in an international setting characterised by deep and continuous change.

Editor in chief: Camillo Loriedo
Scientific Editor in chief: Giuseppe De Benedittis
Editorial director: Mario Marazzi
Capo redattore: Claudio Mammini (mamminiclaudio@gmail.com)
Section editors: Anna Guerrera, Antonio Piro, Luca Bidogia, Matteo Paganelli, Renzo Balugani, Antonella Ciaramella, Nicolino Rago, Pasquale Giaccone, Claudio Mammini.
Editorial board: Gabriela Rivellino, Emanuele Mazzone, Valerio Pidone, Pasquale Giaccone, Camillo Valerio, Consuelo Casula, Maria Riccio, Luca Carcassi, Federica Tagliati, Flavio Di Leone.
National scientific board: Antonella Bianchi, Fabio Carnevale, Giuseppe De Benedittis, Vilfredo De Pascalis, Giuseppe Ducci, Enrico Facco, Michele Modenese, Andrea Mosconi, Maria Cristina Perica, Enrica Laura Santarcangelo, Valter Santilli, Brigitte Stubner.
International scientific board: Eva I. Bànyai (Budapest, Hungary); Danie Beaulieu (Lac-Beauport, Canada); Peter P. Bloom (Philadelphia, USA); Susanna Carolusson (Stockolm, Sweden); Guillem Feixas (Barcelona, Spain); Mark Jensen (Washington, USA); Jeffrey E. Lazarus (Menlo Park, USA); John D. Lentz (Sheperdswille, USA); Julie Linden (Philadelphia, USA); Matthias Mende (Salzburg, Austria); Ali EsrefMuezzinoglu (Istanbul, Turkey); Teresa Robles (Mexico City, Mexico); Susy Signer-Fischer (Basel, Switzerland); Bernhard Trenkle (Rottweil, Germany); Katalin Varga (Budapest, Hungary); Claude Virot (Rennes, France); Michael Yapko (San Diego, USA); Jeffrey K. Zeig (Phoenix, USA).
Executive Editorial Secretariat: Sonia Targa, Viale Regina Margherita, 269 – 00198 Roma - Telefono e Fax: 06.8548205 – e-mail: ipnosii@libero.it – sito Web: www.societàipnosi.it

To contact the editorial office:Editorial Staff: Gabriela Sandra Rivellino - Via Tagliamento, 25 - 00198 Roma - Telefono e Fax: 06.8548205 -
e-mail: ipnosii@libero.it

The Journal uses a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are chosen for their expertise. The article will be sent anonymously to reviewers to avoid possible influences due to the name of the author. The editors may decide not to submit the article to any referee in the case it is judged as not relevant, not rigorous or not meeting appropriate scientific standards. Reviewers' evaluations will be sent to the author also in case of negative response.

Editorial Guidelines
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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals

Issue 2/2024


Letteratura e Ipnosi

Cinema e ipnosi


Riviste e pubblicazioni internazionali
