Per un diritto internazionale alla fuga. Diritto d’asilo e dovere di ospitalità

Author/s Leonard Mazzone
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/61
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 31-46 File size 719 KB
DOI 10.3280/LAS2018-061004
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The article aims to analyze the gift of hospitality within the broader issue of social justice on a global scale. In order to achieve this theoretical goal, the article will first focus on the violent effects produced by the so called immunization processes triggered by the international migrations and the growing number of asylum seekers. The paper analyzes the western history of right to asylum, starting from its ancient roots dating back to Aes¬chy¬lus’ tragedy The Suppliants. The article will briefly analyze the modern history of in¬ter¬na¬tional migrations and, then, it will shed light on the conceptual, juridical and political pro¬blems concerning the nowadays international right to asylum. The last part will deal with the theoretical attempt to treat the political gift par excellence, that one of hospitality, as one of the basic issues of social justice in a global era.

Keywords: Roberto Esposito, René Girard, Elias Canetti, Aeschylus’ Suppliants, history of international migrations.

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Leonard Mazzone, Per un diritto internazionale alla fuga. Diritto d’asilo e dovere di ospitalità in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 61/2018, pp 31-46, DOI: 10.3280/LAS2018-061004