Sustainability and reform of the National Health System between ethical models and lack of resources.

Author/s Ranieri de Maria
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/4
Language Italian Pages 43 P. 5-47 File size 525 KB
DOI 10.3280/SA2013-004001
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The crisis of the Italian Healthcare System emerged long time ago, and the serious budget deficit of many Regional Health Services and peripheral facilities is a proof of that. However, the evolution of healthcare technology and the increasing of average life seem to lead such a crisis to the point of no return. So we are faced with the alternative of making a rapid and profound reform, or be unable take care of all. This paper does not claim to perform a detailed review of all the problems of the Italian system, but wants to make a contribution to identify some specific issues, which are essential for changing, through the author’s experience as consultant of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry about Healthcare Errors and causes of Regional Healthcare Systems deficits of the Italian Chamber of Deputies during the XVI legislature. The paper is partially composed by the contribution of the author to the activities of the Commission and to the Final Report, and seeks to demonstrate such as the crisis of the system is mainly due to cultural factors.

Keywords: Health, bioethics, elderly, chronic patients, defensive medicine, clinical risk

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  • "Istituzione totale" carcere e salute. Il detenuto come "disabile sociale" Ranieri de Maria, in RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL'AMMINISTRAZIONE 4/2016 pp.5
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Ranieri de Maria, Sostenibilità e riforma del Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, tra esigenze etiche e scarsità di risorse in "RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE" 4/2013, pp 5-47, DOI: 10.3280/SA2013-004001