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Theorising Sociology in the Digital Society

A cura di: Linda Lombi, Michele Marzulli

Theorising Sociology in the Digital Society

The book wants to summarise several sociological issues in the light of the transformations caused by the advent of the web society. Each author reconsiders “classic” theories in view of any changes that have occurred, and outlines possible prospects.

Pagine: 302

ISBN: 9788891748515

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Codice editore: 1042.87

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Today's society is characterised by an increase in relational, connective and communicative practices based on mobile devices and social media. It is clear that the Internet has become pervasive, an element leading to a widespread remodelling of the way we live, work and communicate. The dimensions of this remodel are so significant that several scholars urge a focus on the epochal changes our society is currently undergoing, calling for new paradigms of interpretation to describe the social dynamics observed. What does this mean in terms of sociological theory?
This editorial initiative is driven by an attempt to understand whether the traditional concepts of sociology are changing, how this change is occurring, and what words define this new social configuration. The goal of this volume is, in other words, to summarise, on the theoretical level, several sociological issues in the light of the transformations caused by the advent of the web society.
Each author has been asked, through a structurisation for lemmas, to reconsider "classic" theories in view of any changes that have occurred, and to outline possible prospects.

Linda Lombi, Ph.D in Sociology, is an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan where she teaches Sociology and Methods (Faculty of Education Science). Her research interests focus on health sociology, citizen science, participatory medicine, digital narratives, digital research, and Big Data.

Michele Marzulli, Ph.D in Sociology, is an adjunct professor at the University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Research, and at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (Faculty of Education Science and Medicine). His research interests focus on studies of welfare regime changes, health and medicine sociology, and qualitative research methods.

Deborah Lupton, Preface
Linda Lombi,
Michele Marzulli, Introduction
Michele Marzulli, Community
Maria Francesca Murru, Communication
Marco Pedroni, Culture
Charlie Barnao, Deviance
Mariagrazia Santagati, Valeria Pandolfini, Education
Maria Letizia Bosoni,
Paola Canestrini, Health and Wellbeing
Alessandra Sannella, Identity
Eleonora Venneri, Inequality
Linda Lombi, Method
Giovanna Mascheroni, New Media
Beba Molinari, Participation
Luca Mori, Relation
Giovanna Rech, Religion
Andrea Antonilli, Security
Davide Galesi, Social Action
Stefania Giada Meda, Social Capital
Fabio Introini, Social Change
Michele Bonazzi, Social Mobility
Alessia Bertolazzi, Social Structure
Nicoletta Pavesi, Socialization
Francesco Marcaletti, Work

Contributi: Andrea Antonilli, Charlie Barnao, Alessia Bertolazzi, Michele Bonazzi, Maria Letizia Bosoni, Paola Canestrini, Davide Galesi, Fabio Introini, Deborah Lupton, Francesco Marcaletti, Giovanna Mascheroni, Stefania Giada Meda, Beba Molinari, Maria Francesca Murru, Valeria Pandolfini, Nicoletta Pavesi, Marco Pedroni, Giovanna Rech, Alessandra Sannella, Mariagrazia Santagati, Eleonora Venneri

Collana: Laboratorio sociologico

Argomenti: Sociologia dei processi culturali

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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