The taste of emotions.

David Papini

The taste of emotions.

Rediscover the flavour of life and live better with oneself and others

This book invites the reader to experiment with all the emotional potential of everyday life avoiding both specialized approaches and the rhetoric about positive feelings and authentic emotions. Regaining confidence with emotional skills we all have taking them out of old cultural frameworks is a precondition to grow and evolve as human being and professionals, especially in education.

Pagine: 115

ISBN: 9788891720061

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Codice editore: 1796.291

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 115

ISBN: 9788891720078

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Codice editore: 1796.291

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Call them mind and body, thought and matter, rationality and emotions, every time we need to act successfully we are trapped in a fictitious choice. We are forgetting the basic skill of "feeling" body and emotions. The widespread interest we see about emotions is just a passing fad if we do not listen to body and mind as a whole.
This book invites the reader to experiment with all the emotional potential of everyday life avoiding both specialized approaches and the rhetoric about positive feelings and authentic emotions. Regaining confidence with emotional skills we all have taking them out of old cultural frameworks is a precondition to grow and evolve as human being and professionals, especially in education.
Inspiration for this book comes from the author's long-term relationship with migraine and from his experience in emotional intelligence workshops at the University of Bergamo and at "Kyron" training school of Integrated Psychomotricity in Milan, Italy.

David Papini
lives in Milan and works with clients all over the world. After two decades in management and a constant passion for training and public speaking, today as a coach, he helps clients to get what they really want, as a counselor he witness how difficult and creative relationships are, as a trainer and public speaker loves co-creating experiences on the fly.

Jim McCarthy, Michelle, McCarthy, Preface to the English edition
Ludovico Arte,
A twenty year's long migraine
(Introduction; How to use this book; Why I wrote this book)
"How are you? Fine, thanks"
Emotions, feelings, mood, character
(What's the difference?; How many emotions are there?)
The sign of emotions
(Naming emotions; Time and age of emotions)
Emotions are information
(Emotional check-in)
The eleven emotional biases
(Emotions can be "disguised"; Emotions cannot be changed; Emotions are not thoughts; Emotions are dangerous; We cannot "think" and "feel" at the same time; We need to be rational; Expressing an emotion can be disturbing; You make me feel...; "There is no reason" for you/me to feel this way; It is "wrong" to feel this emotion; You are/I am too emotional; Is laughing an emotion?)
Emotional Intelligence
(An example)
The "formula" to obtain what I want
(Relationships; Presence; The presumptions for a relationship; Intention; The prerequisite for action; Action; Motiv-action)
The magic of acknowledgment
(A theory of acknowledgment; No more compliments!)
Perceptual positions
Reading emotions
(Congruence; Bad language and emotional congruence)
Language and emotions
Educating with emotions
Emotions, tears and headache

Collana: Trend

Argomenti: Crescita personale - Intelligenza emotiva, affettività

Livello: Guide di autoformazione e autoaiuto

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