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The primacy of Ethics.

A cura di: Lamartine Da Costa, Giuseppe Mari, William J. Morgan, Yves Vanden Auweele, Aldo Aledda, Maurizio Monego

The primacy of Ethics.

Also in sports?

Panathlon International – an organisation that for over 50 years has been promoting ethical principles in all forms of sport – at its 17th Congress discussed whether the primacy of ethics also applies to sport and sports people. In this book, the leading world experts on this subject examine this complex issue in depth with no awe.

Pagine: 368

ISBN: 9788856843590

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 2000.1316

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Volume interamente tradotto in lingua inglese, francese e italiano

Sport has now become one of the most impressive phenomena of modern society. Its biggest organisations, from IOC to FIFA, include a higher number of countries with respect to the UN. The turnover of sporting events, both regional and international, skyrocketed and the biggest countries line up to host such meets as the Olympic Games or the Football World Cup as they can contribute in increasing their GDP. The biggest sporting events have the highest TV ratings in the world. Sport champions are idolized by the crowd and are taken as models by young people.
Yet even those people who agree on the importance of sport and others who are willing to follow it uncritically cannot deny the fact that with its frenetic spectacle and profit-driven logic, as well as the related, periodic explosions of violence, it raises some ethical issues that are equally important as those related to economics and politics. When observing this daily spectacle we increasingly ask ourselves where sports main educational mission has gone.

Panathlon International - an organisation that for over 50 years has been promoting ethical principles in all forms of sport - at its 17th Congress discussed whether the primacy of ethics also applies to sport and sports people. With this aim in mind International President, Enrico Prandi, and the Scientific Committee Chairman, Maurizio Monego, gathered in Stresa (Italy) in May 2010 some of the leading world experts on this subject, including academics like William Morgan (US), Yves Vanden Auweele (Belgium), Lamartine Da Costa (Brazil) and Giuseppe Mari (Italy), who, together with others more directly involved at international level with Panathlon on this issue, i.e. Aldo Aledda, Marila Alvarez, Eliane Borter, Antonio Bramante, Marc Maes and Antonio Spallino, examined this complex issue in depth with no awe.

Enrico Prandi, Welcome speech by the International President
Antonio Spallino, Preface
Aldo Aledda, The supremacy of ethics in sport. A long winding road
1. Ethics and education
Giuseppe Mari, Educational and moral potential in sport
William J. Morgan, Sport and society - the moral issue in sport
Yves Vanden Auweele, Implementation of Panathlon Declaration on ethics in youth sport and "integrity plans"
2. An Observatory for ethics
Maurizio Monego, An Observatory of "good practices"
Marc Maes, International centre for ethics in sport
Eliane Borter, International Observatory on youth sport activities
Antonio Carlos Bramante,
Sports ethics within the context of "educating cities"
María Emilia Alvarez,
Partial vision on a rapidly changing Latin American society
3. Olympism
Lamartine DaCosta, Olympism and its topicality
Annex. Documents
Final Recommendations of the XVII International Congress
Notes on Authors

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Salute, società, medicina del lavoro

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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