Migrants and refugees in Europe: models of integration and new challenges for vocational guidance

Silvana Greco, Pamela M. Clayton, Alenka Janko Spreizer

Migrants and refugees in Europe: models of integration and new challenges for vocational guidance

The main themes covered in the book are: forced and unforced migration; models of integration; critical issues for vocational guidance, including the limits and strengths of the concepts of diversity and multiculturalism, avoiding the pitfalls of stereotyping and cultural racism and identifying possible victims of trauma and torture; integration policy and practice in Denmark, Slovenia and the United Kingdom; assistance to victims of human trafficking in the Czech Republic; and the development of a partnership model for vocational guidance for refugees and asylum-seekers in Germany.

Pagine: 272

ISBN: 9788846487261

Edizione: 1a edizione 2007

Codice editore: 2000.1181

Disponibilità: Discreta

What are the main obstacles to integration for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the European Union? What models of integration can be found in Europe and what is their impact? How can vocational guidance policy and practice contribute to integration? What specific competences and knowledge are needed by practitioners and others working with refugees, asylum seekers and migrants? An interdisciplinary team of European scholars and practitioners set out to answer these and other questions.

Silvana Greco is a sociologist and Assistant Professor of Human Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan, Italy.
Pamela M. Clayton is a political sociologist and Research Fellow in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education at Faculty of Education, of the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Alenka Janko Spreizer is a social anthropologist and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Humanities Koper at the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

Essays: Pamela M. Clayton, Elena Corsi, Caroline Dorn, Sangeeta Fager, Maren Gag, Silvana Greco, Alenka Janko Spreizer, Frida Mondi, Manuel Novoa, Vagn Skov Særkjær, Joachim Schroeder, Olga Sedláková, Dean ?Su?smelj, Dmitrij ?Svec.

Pamela M. Clayton, Introduction
Part I. Issues for vocational guidance for migrants and refugees
Silvana Greco, The contribution of sociology to recent theoretical perspectives on guidance
Joachim Schroeder, Diversity and its limets. Requirements, problems and concepts for refugees and migrants
Alenka Janko Spreizer, Uses and misuses of "culture": what vocational guidance counsellors should be aware of
Caroline Dorn, Manuel Novoa, Traumatisation as an issue in guidance for asylum seekers and refugees
Part II. Vocational guidance services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers: some national perspectives
Elena Corsi, Guidance services in Lombardy for migrants and refugees: strengths and weaknesses
Sangeeta Fager, Maren Gag, Vocational guidance for migrants in Germany: a partnership model
Pamela M. Clayton, Frida Mondi, Worlds apart? Scottish and English approaches to integration through vocational guidance
Vagn Skov Særkjær, The Danish integration model: policy and practice
Dimitrij Švec, Olga Sedláková, Services for victims of human trafficking: case study from the Czech Republic
Alenka Janko Spreizer, Dean Šušmelj, Immigration in Slovenia: the current situation
Pamela M. Clayton, Conclusion
About the Authors.

Contributi: Elena Corsi, Caroline Dorn, Sangeeta Fager, Maren Gag, Frida Mondi, Manuel Novoa, Joachim Schroeder, Olga Sedlakova, Vagn Skov Soerkjoer, Dean Susmelj, Dmitrij Svec

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Emigrazione, immigrazione

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