Ifric 12 service concession arrangements and market disclosure quality.

Andrea Giornetti

Ifric 12 service concession arrangements and market disclosure quality.

Investigation amongst European listed companies in the more extensive scenario of accounting standardisation

The growing complexity of concession arrangements has proved to be a source for problems in terms of the related accounting by operators, or at least up until the issue of IFRIC 12. The research sought to verify if the introduction into Europe of the accounting interpretation has effectively and successfully increased the level and quality of the information released to the market.

Pagine: 160

ISBN: 9788891704139

Edizione:1a edizione 2014

Codice editore: 368.4

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 160

ISBN: 9788891720498

Edizione:1a edizione 2014

Codice editore: 368.4

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Data di submission: giugno 2013
Data di accettazione: dicembre 2013

The growing complexity of concession arrangements has proved to be a source for problems in terms of the related accounting by operators, or at least up until the issue of IFRIC 12.
The research sought to verify if the introduction into Europe of the accounting interpretation has effectively and successfully increased the level and quality of the information released to the market. In making a contribution towards studies dedicated to the standardisation of accounting, the research first presented the repercussions on the disclosure during the first-time adoption and therefore sought confirmation of the hypothesis of an entirely nonuniform enactment in terms of its quality. In order to investigate the reasoning underlying the results ascertained further, the research has been extended to include the variables of corporate governance affecting financial reporting matters, thereby seeking to reveal any existing correlations. It has thus been possible to note a connection between corporate governance structures and quality of the disclosure made in the application of IFRIC 12; equally, we have been able to exclude the possibility that the ownership structure, analysed according to segment, should have any significant influence. Finally, the increased intelligibility of the financial reports as a result of the new interpretations was found to be entirely indifferent for financial market analysts. The research shows that the long-desired rules introduced by IFRIC 12, in reducing the uncertainty that existed prior to their issue, have not at the same time cancelled out the diversity - at times which is also significant - in the concrete application in terms of disclosures. In these latter terms, the desired standardisation of the financial disclosure is achieved, for the European companies examined, with a lesser degree of effectiveness than had been hoped for; therefore, having achieved the objective of standardizing the reference accounting standards - at least for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of companies with securities that are traded on the regulated markets of the European Union - is a considerable result, but only partially sufficient, given that, in empirical terms, the application interpretation applied by the preparers, is not always the same.

Andrea Giornetti, Ph. D., adjunct professor and researcher in Business Economics at the Department of Production Law and Economics of "La Sapienza" University of Rome. Also lecturer of international accounting standards at the same university and author of essays on financial reporting from a national and international perspective.

International accounting and harmonization
(The harmonisation of accounting to improve the relationship between business and the environment; The EU measures implemented to converge towards the IAS/IFRS; The fair value criterion in accounting harmonization; Quality of the accounting system and standards adopted in the harmonisation process)
The innovative regulations introduced by IFRIC 12
(Conceptual framework of the introduction of IFRIC 12; Inspiring principle behind IFRIC 12: substance over form; Scope of application; Accounting effects consequent to the new interpretation; Accounting models adopted by the concession-holder; Appendix)
Research method
(Criteria for defining the sample; The research methodology adopted; IFRIC 12 and corporate governance; IFRIC 12, group ownership structure and financial analysts; Recording the quantitative impact seen with the first time adoption of IFRIC 12)
Research results and explanations of the evidence found
(Premise; Descriptive statistics; Interpretation of the principal component analysis; The analysis of data relating to the four years 2006-2010; An inferential perspective in the research; The remaining research questions)
Conclusive remarks

Collana: Accounting & business studies

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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