Exploring Demographic Decision-Making

Giuseppe A. Micheli

Exploring Demographic Decision-Making

Raw materials towards understanding the affective logics

Pagine: 208

ISBN: 9788846480804

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 570.1.2

Disponibilità: Discreta

Crucial passages in the life course are not necessarily driven by 'rational' motivations or goals. "Exploring the demographic decision-making" denies the self-sufficiency of the neo-classical interpretation, and dwells upon two issues: the form and role of the primary anthropological networks (the inertial continuity of the family patterns, and the changing form of the blood pacts) and the role played by non-cognitive factors in the decision-making of demographic behavior. The author leads to acknowledge and appreciate the double meaning of such concepts as perception and insecurity, and discovers the crucial role of moods in conditioning intentions and behavior. A complex syntax among many disciplinary contributions is thus reconstructed, threading different mechanisms that trigger a change in the transitional behavior.
"Exploring the demographic decision-making" can not be considered as a core textbook, but rather as a research monograph, to be used on courses concerning Sociology of Family & the Life-Course, Family Demography, Psychology of Ageing. Though it focuses on the peculiar demographic changes in the current Mediterranean society, nevertheless it can easily be extended to the changing behavior in Eastern Europe, or in other outskirts of the world. Language formalisms or logical-mathematical symbolisms are avoided: instead, the elementary concepts of the daily life are used, and the historical frames in which the concepts emerged and acquired sense are reconstructed.

Giuseppe A. Micheli is professor of Demography and Chairman of the Institute of Population and Geographical Studies at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan. He has published extensively on internal and international migrations, social policies and housing, aging and epidemiology of mental disorders, as well as topics of mathematical models of population dynamics. He has been in the editorial board of European Journal of population, and in the scientific board of Genus. He is component of the Italian Council of Social Sciences.

Beyond a cognitive modelling
(Modelling collective behavior: the mass and irrationality; The logics of social action: two levels of interpretation; Rational choice: New Home Economics and its pitfalls)
Normative Logics. Modernity and family
(Routines, drifts, and the Inert Area; The speading zone of emotional indifference; A persisting bipolarity of European family patterns; Intergenerational solidarity and the strong family; 'Asabiyyah; The many facets of familism; Current changes in the intergenerational blood pact)
Affective logics. What does produce discontinuity
(Meaning giving systems: the re-emerging Identity; Transitional behavior as a recognition-oriented action; Collective apocalypses: acted values an identity in action; Heimweh and the uprooting; Three ways of coping with long-term criticalities; Post-mod: cognitive self-fulfillment, a fuzzy state of mind; Losing control, shifting locus, and the risk perception)
Patterns of logics change
(From attitudes to states of mind; What are moods?; Inner life histories; Crisis dispositional states; How do moods work?; States that are essentially by-products; Lexicographic orders and a watermill shift machinery)
Change triggering mechanisms
(Inner conflicts; Reducing dissonances; Limits of a model based on a merely cognitive dissonance; From delay to removal. Mood-focused strategies; Paradoxes and double binds; Denial and disconfirmation; A mood-focused, time-leggend behavior model)
Why is it not so easy to dive in a pool
(Step-by-step. Down-drifts and chronic syndromes; Change as a two-stage process, moods as interceptors; Relaxing the control, losing control; Re-engaging the clitch; Flexible generations and new social polarizations)
Post-scripta: Beyond a life-course horizon
(Disentangling interweaving generations; Generation waves and echoes; Memory and primary socialization; Attachment and care; Three-generational drifts (and their natural therapy))
Name index
Subject index.


Collana: Equivalenze

Argomenti: Politiche e servizi sociali

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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