Energy for hotels

A cura di: Angelo Bertolazzi, Fabiano Micocci, Umberto Turrini

Energy for hotels

Refurbishment strategies in the Mediterranean area among technology, architecture and communication

The volume challenges the topic of the hotels energy refurbishment as a flywheel for the upgrade of the building stock in the Mediterranean countries, focusing on the regions of Veneto (Italy) and Central Macedonia (Greece). The hotels energy refurbishment topic was the pretext to widen the interest towards the crucial role of architectural design of touristic facilities in the Mediterranean region. The project studied new touristic models to face the actual climatic and energetic crisis.

Pagine: 266

ISBN: 9788835145509

Edizione: 1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 445.34

Disponibilità: Buona

Pagine: 266

ISBN: 9788835150565

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 445.34

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The volume collects the results of the project PORFSE entitled “S.O.L.E.H. (Sustainable Operation Low Cost Energy for Hotels). Innovative tools and Guidelines for the Sustainable Renovation of Hotel Buildings” involving in 2020-2021 the University of Padova, Iuav University of Venice and the University of Thessaly.
The research challenged the topic of the hotels energy refurbishment as a flywheel for the upgrade of the building stock in the Mediterranean countries, focusing on the regions of Veneto (Italy) and Central Macedonia (Greece). Various stages of the communication of the re-development project addressed to professionals, owners, investors and companies, developing the tool aiming to enhance the efficiency of the stakeholders to operate within the Smart City.
The medium-term goal was to provide an efficient and dynamic tool to evaluate and program the energy efficiency of a building and, at the same time, to draw some guidelines of intervention encouraging hoteliers to decide for the refurbishment or not. The longterm objective was to stimulate the construction sector introducing innovative and smart technologies to facilitate the refurbishment process.
The hotels energy refurbishment topic was the pretext to widen the interest towards the crucial role of architectural design of touristic facilities in the Mediterranean region. The project studied new touristic models to face the actual climatic and energetic crisis.
This has been considered a fundamental approach to preserve and valorise local environments and landscapes, since they are the main resources of Mediterranean countries. The thematic have been challenged within the international workshop “Tourism Landscape. The Re-use of the Abandoned Xenia Hotel in Tsagarada, Pelion”, held in Volos in 2021.

Angelo Bertolazzi trained at the Department DAUR (University of Padova) and the Department DA (University of Bologna), at Ecole Doctorale Villes Transportes et Territoires (Université Paris-Est), where he achieved his PhD in Architecture and Engineering (2013), and at Départment GSA (ENSA-Paris Malaquais). He is Assistant Professor at the Department DICEA (University of Padova).

Fabiano Micocci
graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre in 2002 where he also specialized in History of the Design Process (2003). He obtained his PhD degree in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Florence (2010). He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture (University of Thessaly, Greece), where he also teaches at the Postgraduate Program Reuse of Buildings and Complexes.

Umberto Turrini
trained at IUAV in Venice. He is associate professor at Department DICEA (University of Padova) since 2018. His main research topics are: historic building refurbishment, techniques reversibility for reuse, innovative technologies and materials within the cultural heritage conservation, building sustainability and the reuse of building materials.

Andrea Giordano, Kostas Manolidis, The energy of S.O.L.E.H.
Umberto Turrini, Giorgio Croatto, FSE projects: an operative research opportunity
Angelo Bertolazzi, Fabiano Micocci, S.O.L.E.H. project: an international account
Angelo Bertolazzi, Refurbishing by hotels
Giorgio Osti, The sustainable lightness of environment sociology applied to hotels retrofit
Nicolas Rémy, Acoustic and energy-related renovations of hotels
Massimo Rossetti, The mandatory path of refurbishment: among climate change, hotel construction and architectural envelopes
Michelangelo Savino, Sustainable tourism must be not an oxymoron
Aris Tsangrassoulis, Tourism and economic activities: a Greek perspective
Angelo Zarrella, Energy in buildings
Elisa D’Agnolo, Stefanos Antoniadis, Beyond data and refurbishment. Analysis and design solutions for the transformation and energy renovations of hotels
Giulia Lombardo, Energy modelling for hotel building refurbishment
Agata Tonetti, Giorgia Betto, Performance of building envelopes and technology design
Petra Muneratti, A sociological analysis of energy retrofit interventions in the hotel sector
Eleonora Bordon, Hospitality and responsibility for the planet much more than a fashionable trend
Fabiano Micocci, The Reuse of the abandoned Xenia Hotel in Tsagarada, Pelion
Stefanos Antoniadis, Concrete vaca[c]tions. Subversive tourism paradigms
Efi Dimitrakopoulou, Hosting Mechanisms. Ephemeral residence typologies
K-Studio, Athens, Dexamenes: from ruins to the hotel
Dimitris Psychogyios, Building construction analysis as design methodology in the network society
Luigi Stendardo, Design despite all ‘re-s’. Eine zweite Natur … das ist ihre Baukunst
Fabiano Micocci, Natural paths (Team: Stefanos Adamakis, Clio G. Chatzaki, Laoura G. Gonalaki, Evanthia Kanaraki, Stergios G. Tsarouchas)
Stefanos Antoniadis, Ruinwed (Team: Stefanos Antoniadis, Sofia Bagana, Christos Kalientzidis, Dimitra Kanellopoulou, Anastasia Karaghianni, Angelos Kouris)
Efthymia Dimitrakopoulou, Rastoni (Team: Efthymia Dimitrakopoulou, Kornilia Christodoulou, Maro Polymerou, Georgia Stamou, Mary Stavropoulou)
Fabiano Micocci, Xenistis (Team: Fabiano Micocci, Eleni Katsiampi, Nika-Anna Lefaki, Markella Metheniti, Maria Nikolopoulou, Athanasia Zioga)
Dimitris Psychogyios, Collective singularities (Team: Dimitris Psychogyios, Pinelopi-Maria Gourgouleti, Andriani Trikardou, Magdalini Kotrotsou, Kontos Evaggelos-Panagiotis, Evanthia Soumelidou)
Nicolas Rémy, Re-Lieving commons (Team: Nicolas Rémy, Lidia Chatzioannou, Lidia Patra, Dimitra Vasiliadou, Kamil Zdunek)

Contributi: Stefanos
 Stefanos Antoniadis, Giorgia Betto, Eleonora Bordon, Giorgio Croatto, Efthymia Dimitrakopoulou, Andrea Giordano, K-Studio, Giulia Lombardo, Kostas Manolidis, Petra Muneratti, Giorgio Osti, Dimitris Psychogyios, Nicolas Rémy, Massimo Rossetti, Michelangelo Savino, Luigi Stendardo, Agata Tonetti, Angelo Zarella

Collana: Edilizia/Studi

Argomenti: Architettura degli interni, allestimento e scenografia - Tecnologia e materiali per l'architettura - Edilizia (estimo, produzione, gestione)

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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