Institutional Reforms in Ireland in response to the National and Global Financial Crises. Challenges and Achievements

Autori/Curatori Yvonne Scannel
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 129-144 Dimensione file 98 KB
DOI 10.3280/SA2015-001010
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The global banking crisis in 2008 had dire consequences for the relatively small open Irish economy. Ireland was facing the twin problems of: a sharp decline in construction-related taxes and enormous losses by the banks. So to fight against this situation Irish Government agreed in 2010 a Programme with the EU Commission and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to stabilise the financial sector, restore sustainable public finances, get the economy back to growth and restore Ireland to financial market funding for 2010-2013. The reform measures in the Programme fall under the following headings: Labour Market, Personal Debt, and Competition. However, it is remarkable that in a fiercely litigious country there were no constitutional challenges to the Austerity Programme or Institutional reforms. The relative success of Austerity has led to a situation where the trade unions and representatives of vulnerable and marginalised groups are now suffering from "austerity fatigue" and demanding compensation for the painful cutbacks endured.;

Keywords:Crisi bancaria globale, riforme strutturali, riforme del governo locale

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Yvonne Scannel, Institutional Reforms in Ireland in response to the National and Global Financial Crises. Challenges and Achievements in "RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE" 1/2015, pp 129-144, DOI: 10.3280/SA2015-001010