Geography and Revolution

Author/s Claudio Minca
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 7-20 File size 175 KB
DOI 10.3280/RGI2019-001001
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This article reflects on the ontological relationship between geography and revolution. Starting from Hannah Arendt’s seminal essay On Revolution, it analyses the link between the ‘gesture’ of ‘writing the Earth’, as a gesture constitutive of each and every social Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia; claudio. - Questa relazione, in una versione modificata, è stata presentata alla sessione plenaria di aper¬tura del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano, tenutosi a Roma il 7-10 giugno 2017. È anche pub¬blicata negli Atti del Congresso a cura di Franco Salvatori. Desidero ringraziare i revisori della Rivi¬sta geografica italiana per l’attenta lettura e gli utili suggerimenti che hanno consentito di migliorare il testo nella sua versione finale. order, and the original conceptualizations of the term revolution. By engaging with Carl Schmitt’s oeuvre, and his spatial thought in particular, this essay speculates at length on the importance of interrogating - from a geographical perspective - the foundational relationship between pouvoir constitutif and pouvoir constitué in order to appreciate the profound revolutionary potential inherent to geographical thought and geographical practice. Placing particular emphasis of the figure of the refugee and on the related irreversible crisis of the nation state - following in this Giorgio Agamben’s work on the same topic - the article concludes with a series of consideration on the need for a geographical revolution, that is, a new spatial ontology associated to new geographical imaginations capable of moving beyond the territorial traps at the origin of the two most urgent crises affecting today all western societies: the refugee crisis and that associate to global climate change.

Keywords: Revolution, refugee crisis, Arendt, Schmitt, Agamben, spatial ontology

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Claudio Minca, Geografia e rivoluzione in "RIVISTA GEOGRAFICA ITALIANA" 1/2019, pp 7-20, DOI: 10.3280/RGI2019-001001