Wittgenstein: significato e uso

Titolo Rivista PARADIGMI
Autori/Curatori Peter M.S Hacker
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 20 P. 23-42 Dimensione file 96 KB
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Wittgenstein: Meaning and Use - The concept of linguistic meaning is located within its semantic field, and its relationships with adjacent notions such as non-natural meaning, significance, meaning something by an expression, and explanation of meaning are sketched. Twentieth century reflections on the nature of linguistic meaning are elaborated. Against this background, Wittgenstein’s conception of the meaning of a word as constituted by its use is examined. Nine desiderata for any cogent account of linguistic meaning that Wittgenstein laid down are explained. His account of meaning links use, explanation of meaning, rules for the use of an expression, understanding and criteria of understanding, speaker’s meaning, human action and context, language-games and forms of life. The paper concludes by elaborating some of the qualifications on the genera - lity of the dictum that the meaning of a word is its use.;

Peter M.S Hacker, Wittgenstein: significato e uso in "PARADIGMI" 2/2008, pp 23-42, DOI: