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Use of INVALSI data in school

A cura di: Patrizia Falzetti

Use of INVALSI data in school

V Seminar "INVALSI data: a tool for teching and scientific research"

INVALSI had the task of preparing and carrying out periodic and systematic checks on the learning outcomes of Italian students (the INVALSI national tests), and of periodically managing Italian participation in international surveys: we hope that the works collected in the volume are the basis for new reflections and a solid example of how the data released by INVALSI allow for quality research, whose goal has always been to improve students’ skills.

Pagine: 128

ISBN: 9788835139171

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 10747.25

Informazioni sugli open access

Since its establishment, INVALSI had the task of preparing and carrying out periodic and systematic checks on the learning outcomes of Italian students (the INVALSI national tests), and of periodically managing Italian participation in international surveys.
The amount of data collected is processed in order to trace a history of students' skills and knowledge and acts as a valid tool for improving the evaluation activities of individual schools and the whole school system.
This volume is the result of a collection of the research works presented during the days of the "V Seminar INVALSI data: a tool for teaching and scientific research - Rome, 25th - 28th February 2021" and provides an example of the use of the data disclosed by the Institute.
As a Statistical Service we hope that the works collected in the volume are the basis for new reflections and a solid example of how the data released by INVALSI allow for quality research within the school context, whose goal has always been to improve students' skills.

Patrizia Falzetti is Head of the INVALSI Statistical Service, which manages the acquisition, analysis and return of data concerning national and international surveys on learning to individual schools, stakeholders and the scientific community.

Patrizia Falzetti, Introduction
Chiara Sacco, Angela Martini, Do schools have the same probability of adding value to competencies of their students at the entrance?
Dina Veronese, Educational and didactical practices in management and organizational practices: a comparative reading of the ravs of Friuli-Venezia Giulia region
Stefano Scippo, Detecting the achievements in INVALSI National Surveys of students who followed educational innovations: a five step method
Lorenzo Maraviglia, INVALSI data: a source to improve our knowledge of digital divide among students
Sara Mori, Alessia Rosa, Daniela Bagattini, Jessica Niewint, Perceived self-efficacy and use of new technologies: the personalization of learning for the improvement of the didactical strategies
Maria G. Lo Duca, Zuzana Toth, La competenza ortografica nelle prove INVALSI: proposte sulla primaria
The authors.

Contributi: Daniela Bagattini, Maria G. Lo Duca, Lorenzo Maraviglia, Angela Martini, Sara Mori, Jessica Niewint Gori, Alessia Rosa, Chiara Sacco, Stefano Scippo, Zuzana Toth, Dina Veronese

Collana: INVALSI per la ricerca

Argomenti: Didattica, scienze della formazione

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