Storia di un mercato biologico a Palermo: tra ambientalismo di base e clientelismo

Autori/Curatori Giovanni Orlando
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 27 P. 106-132 Dimensione file 353 KB
DOI 10.3280/PACO2012-002005
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Narrating the story of an organic farmers’ market, this article explores ideals and practices of sustainable urban food through an example of consumer activism in Palermo. It reflects critically on the understandings of ‘sustainability’ held by the actors involved, showing the difficulties of operationalising the concept for socio-cultural research. It also highlights the potential of grass-roots activism among consumers and farmers. This potential runs counter to an enduring image of southern Italy as a place where civil society initiatives are wanting. By analysing the market’s history until its demise due to difficulties with the centre-right-wing municipality, the article shows how it is the political element, rather than the cultural one, that often constrains grass-roots activism in Sicily. These problems of power and political representation question whether consumer mobilization can become a tool for environmental transformation in locales where institutions are not already favourably disposed to the values of such mobilisation.;

Keywords:Organic Agriculture; Sustainability; Social Movements; Clientelism; Palermo

Giovanni Orlando, Storia di un mercato biologico a Palermo: tra ambientalismo di base e clientelismo in "PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO" 2/2012, pp 106-132, DOI: 10.3280/PACO2012-002005