Berlusconi e Prodi: chi impone (o subisce) i frames? Uno studio della campagna del 2006

Autori/Curatori Marco Mazzoni, Antonio Ciaglia
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 21 P. 29-50 Dimensione file 256 KB
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Berlusconi and Prodi: who assembles a better set of frames? ABSTRACT: and Antonio Ciaglia This article examines how the strong radicalization, stemmed from the new electoral system, has affected the mass media coverage on the last electoral campaign in Italy. The hypothesis is to demonstrate how the political personalization, represented by center-left incumbent Berlusconi and by center-right hopeful Prodi, has maneuvered the building of frames via newspaper coverage. The article begins with an overview of the principle theoretical problems followed by an in-depth analysis of possible connections among media agenda influence. It then continues to discuss the dynamics of the opinion climate and the electoral campaign. Finally, through the study of the content published by the major Italian newspapers a month before the Election Day (April 9, 2006), the relationship between frames and the two political coalitions is derived. In conclusion, the article yields a high level of insights as to which coalition has exerted more impact on the mass media coverage and on the voters’ perception.;

Marco Mazzoni, Antonio Ciaglia, Berlusconi e Prodi: chi impone (o subisce) i frames? Uno studio della campagna del 2006 in "COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA" 1/2008, pp 29-50, DOI: