La riabilitazione oncologica: qualità della cura e benessere psicologico del paziente

Autori/Curatori Nadia Rania, Laura Migliorini, Anna Zunino, Patrizia Bianchetti, Maria Giuseppina Vidili, Donatella Cavanna
Anno di pubblicazione 2015 Fascicolo 2015/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. 60-73 Dimensione file 82 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2015-002005
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This paper discusses the results of a research on the well-being and health care quality in Rehabilitation Oncology. Oncological diseases are a stressful experience, but also they can trigger positive changes in the individual, leading to a modification of self and subjective well-being. Literature shows that these aspects of post-traumatic growth depend to some extent on the level of satisfaction with the quality of care received, conceptualized as the clarity of information received and the perception of being heard within the relationships of a caring nature. The aim of this paper is to highlight efficacy, levels of satisfaction with the treatment and psychological well-being of a group of cancer patients in a Physiotherapy unit. The rehabilitation stage is a key step in the transition from illness to health and therefore it is of particular relevance. The Physical Therapist takes on a fundamental role in the rehabilitation process, carrying out therapeutic interventions involving a physical dimension as well as a physical contact with the patient. The present study was conducted in a North Italian hospital and involved 50 subjects. The results show high satisfaction for the rehabilitation treatment received. These findings are strengthened by a shared view on the effectiveness of therapy: health care professionals expressed, on one hand, a positive assessment on the functional recovery of patients and, on the other hand, patients reported a high degree of psychological well-being and a perceived high efficacy of the treatment.;

Keywords:Cancro, riabilitazione oncologica, qualità della cura, benessere psicologico, relazione operatore-paziente, post traumatic growth

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Nadia Rania, Laura Migliorini, Anna Zunino, Patrizia Bianchetti, Maria Giuseppina Vidili, Donatella Cavanna, La riabilitazione oncologica: qualità della cura e benessere psicologico del paziente in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 2/2015, pp 60-73, DOI: 10.3280/SES2015-002005