Sovranità, pace, guerra. Considerazioni sul globalismo politico

Autori/Curatori Vittorio Possenti
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 23 P. Dimensione file 141 KB
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Political globalism understood as the building of a world political society with an authority of the same level is discussed through peace/war and sovereignty questions. Connection between politics and violence, the problem of sovereignty and of its overcoming, the way to a planetary society are treated grounding on some authors (Hobbes, Kant, Kelsen, Maritain, Sturzo, Bobbio). Preference for the paradigm of «peace through politics» (Maritain, Pacem in terris) in respect of that «peace through law» (Kelsen and neokantians) is argued. The former paradigm introduces the fundamental concept of planetary institutions capable of matching with the situation of a world as «global village» with a common good to secure but without a political centre. Its achievement is a long range project: in present situation, where connection between international politics and ethics is not denied, a multilateral action in favour of peace and human rights seems the best option.;

Vittorio Possenti, Sovranità, pace, guerra. Considerazioni sul globalismo politico in "TEORIA POLITICA" 1/2006, pp , DOI: