The debate on women in eighteenth-­century Italy: two contributions by Luciano Guerci

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Vittorio Criscuolo
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/186
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 841-854 File size 165 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2024-186010
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Published between 1987 and 1988, Luciano Guerci’s two studies, now collected in a single volume, continue to offer important insights into research on eighteenth-­century discussions around women’s social roles and marriage. The author shows how within many Enlightenment-­influenced circles there was significant reticence and ambiguity regarding the status of women and the marriage. Notably, his studies focus on authors who, in the face of transforming customs and social life, vehemently re-­proposed the traditional model of a chaste, meek, and submissive wife, viewing contemporary trends as a form of intolerable moral corruption. These orientations also favored the flourishing of Marian devotions, a trend encouraged by the choices of the Roman Cu-­ ria. Though these voices may have seemed anachronistic in the midst of the Enlighten-­ ment, they outlasted the revolutionary storm and continued to exert a powerful influ-­ ence on the consciences and behaviors of the majority of the Italian population for a long time. Key words: Marriage, Lust, Women’s Sexuality, Marian cult , Women’s Sociability, Counter-­reformation.

Keywords: matrimonio, lussuria, sessualità femminile, culto mariano, sociabilità femminile, controriforma.

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Vittorio Criscuolo, Il dibattito sulla donna nell’Italia del settecento: due contributi di Luciano Guerci in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 186/2024, pp 841-854, DOI: 10.3280/SS2024-186010