Dividing walls, and walls that combine peace in the fusion, and peace in the separation

Journal title FUTURIBILI
Author/s Alberto Gasparini
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2011/3
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 7-25 File size 145 KB
DOI 10.3280/FU2011-003002
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The author develops an analysis of the walls, in both their positive and negative aspects in their relations with the border. He opens the discussion on the introverted boundary and the extrovert boundary, and more specifically he analyzes some specific features of the wall that divides. Boundary and wall are then considered in their historical dimensions: in the feudal state and the city-state, in the nation state, in the border of the empire as end of the world, in the traditional community, in the modern state and modernity, and within modern states. Boundaries between organizations and walls are also considered. Finally the author considers the peace that can come from the walls and boundaries, and the peace in the fusion and the peace in the separation.

Keywords: Confine, muro, pace, comunità tradizionale, città, stato nazionale, modernità

Alberto Gasparini, Editoriale. Muri che dividono, muri che uniscono. La pace nella fusione, la pace nella separazione in "FUTURIBILI" 3/2011, pp 7-25, DOI: 10.3280/FU2011-003002