Il movimento delle occupazioni in Spagna: un ciclo locale e globale di proteste

Autori/Curatori Martìnez Miguel Lòpez
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. 93-117 Dimensione file 146 KB
DOI 10.3280/PACO2012-001005
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Squatting in abandoned houses and buildings in Spanish cities has been a continuous occurrence since the early 1980s. CSOAs (Centros Sociales Okupados y Autogestionados/Squatted and Self-managed Social Centres, SC from now on) acquired greater public importance than buildings squatted only for residential purposes. Nevertheless, both forms of squatting have taken place simultaneously. This article delineates the main characteristics of this movement by taking into consideration: a) spatial trends, b) the ideological principles, c) attempts for coordination and d) the interrelationship with other social movements. This exercise develops a working definition of the squatters’ movement in Spain that allows us to argue that its repertoire of protest and political objectives represent an innovation in the cycle of alter-globalization demonstrations which the squatters’ movement has actively joined, although local transformation and mobilizations were also intensively promoted.;

Keywords:Squatting, urban movements, counter-culture, alter-globalization, Spain

Martìnez Miguel Lòpez, Il movimento delle occupazioni in Spagna: un ciclo locale e globale di proteste in "PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO" 1/2012, pp 93-117, DOI: 10.3280/PACO2012-001005