Tracce: Una prefazione 1970

Autori/Curatori Pier Francesco Galli
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 4 P. 499-502 Dimensione file 94 KB
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A preface of 1970 ABSTRACT: Pier Francesco Galli’s preface to the Italian edition of Wolfgang Loch’s book Voraussetzungen, Mechanismen und Grenzen des psychoanalytischen Prozesses [Hypotheses, Mechanisms and Limitations of the Psychoanalytic Process] (Bern: Huber, 1965) is reprinted (Premesse e meccanismi del processo psicoanalitico. Turin: Boringhieri, 1970, pp. 1-59). In this preface of 1970 Pier Francesco Galli discusses some aspects of the development of psychoanalysis in Europe after World War Two, both from the theoretical and the sociological points of view. This preface of 1970 is introduced by a presentation, written for this 2007 edition, in which Pier Francesco Galli sees his considerations of almost forty years ago in the light of the developments of psychoanalysis of the following decades. [KEY WORDS: psychoanalytic process, psychoanalytic technique, psychoanalytic theory, phenomenological perspective, anthropology];

Pier Francesco Galli, Tracce: Una prefazione 1970 in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 4/2007, pp 499-502, DOI: