Onore e democrazia

Autori/Curatori Francesca Rigotti
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 6 P. Dimensione file 20 KB
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In this short contribution, the author poses the question whether or not it is justified to put the virtue of honor among the acknowledged democratic values. To answer the question tentatively in an affirmative way, Rigotti makes use of the distinction between thick and thin political concepts (in the meaning of C. Geerz elaborated by B. Williams, J. Rawls and W. Walzer). The author tries to place honor among the thick concepts and virtues such as integrity, loyality, and sincerity, and to show that they can be consistent with the thin democratic concepts and values (the cold and gray democratic emotions) such as respect, dignity, tolerance, and freedom, although they can, in some cases, be bound to the inner condivision of a community.;

Francesca Rigotti, Onore e democrazia in "TEORIA POLITICA" 1/2000, pp , DOI: