Oltre la cittadinanza. Considerazioni sulla dimensione universale dei diritti umani e sui presupposti normativi della loro attuazione

Autori/Curatori Sergio Dellavalle
Anno di pubblicazione 1 Fascicolo 2000/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. Dimensione file 73 KB
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The papar focuses on the meaning of the assertion about the existence of some rights that are universal, in the sense of their belonging to every human being for the very fact that she/he is one. The essay is divided in three sections. In the first one, the author argues that both civil and political rights, but also social rights to some extent, are to be conceived as universal. The second section focuses on the question whether only individuals or also communities are to be considered as subjects of rights. Finally, starting from the ascertainment that only an international democracy based on a convenant between democratic states can guarantee the protection of human rights beyond the bordersof the national states, the paper discusses, and criticises, the thoeries of the impossibility of implementing democracy because of its historic roots in the international arena. The relevance of these theories is only recognised as an achievable compromise between the regulative idea of a "democracy of democracies" and the responsibility for preserving peace in the present, non-perfect world.;

Sergio Dellavalle, Oltre la cittadinanza. Considerazioni sulla dimensione universale dei diritti umani e sui presupposti normativi della loro attuazione in "TEORIA POLITICA" 1/2000, pp , DOI: