Interaction between Industry and Higher Education in the British Experience

Ute Lindner

Interaction between Industry and Higher Education in the British Experience

Edizione a stampa


Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788820477738

Edizione: 1a edizione 1993

Codice editore: 1021.102

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

The British experience in the interaction between university and industry offers stimulating food for the pursuit of solutions in Italy. It is the method even more that the achievement that seems particulary interesting.

Two themes are singgled out that reflect the dynamics of transformztion of the system: The growth of the polytechnics, i.e. an alternative educatinal and training channel to the university; the reorganization of the whole engineering profession and the creation of a new training model for engineers.

The general picture of the British system and its evolution, outlined by the Italian and English experts, is supplemented by reports from the business world.

They cover the experience of two of most important British industrial groups: The ICI, from the viewpoint of a single company (ICI Paints) and the BP, with the accent on group strategy.

THe initiatives of the Council for Industry and Higher Education facilitate the interaction between university and industry at the level of the system and accentuate the driving effect of big business on the whole production fabric.

• Presentazione, Ute Lindner

• Foreword

• Higher Education, Industry and the Two Souls of the British System, Ute Lindner
* Introduction
* The Industrial Counter-Revolution
* A Gentleman's Education: The Public School
* "National" Education and < * The Development of the British University System from the Middle of the Nineteenth Century to 1960
* The Evolution of British Higher Education since the 1960s
* The Two Souls of the British System: An Attempt at Syntesis
* New Forms of Interaction between Higher Education and Industry
* References

• Polytechnics, Government and Industry: Experiences and Trends, Roger Brown
* British Experience
* The Polytechnics
* Vocational Orientation and Accessibility
* Innovation, Community Links and Accountability
* Growth
* Recent Developments
* Government Policies
* Teaching Company Scheme
* Engineering Schemes and Links
* Enterprise in Higher Education
* Government Schemes
* Conclusions
* Glossary
* Annexes

• Competence in Engineering - British Universities. Teaching, Research and the Ø Ø Chartered EngineerØ Ø Title, Jack Levy
* British Universities - Overview of the System
* Engineering Teaching in Universities

* Engineering Research in Universities
* The Registration of Engineers in Britain
* Chartered Engineers
* Chartered Engineers and the European Engineer Title
* References
* Annexes

• Personnel Policy and Relations with Higher Education: The Experiences of ICI Paints, Paula Rayer-Dyson
* Graduate Recruitment in ICI
* Graduate Recruitment in ICI Paints
* ICI Schools Liaison Policy and Practice
* Career Development/Career Options for Scientists at ICI Paints
* ICI Paints Research Projects with Universities
* Influencing the Govermnent on Education
* The Future
* References and Acknowledgements
* Appendix

• Human Resources Issues in Educational Relations: Perspectives from BP, Jeremy Nicholls
* Introduction
* Perspective 1: The Context
* Perspective 2: Educational Relations in BP
* Perspective 3: Engineers in BP
* Conclusion: The Way Forward

• The Council for Industry and Higher Education, Patrick Coldstream
* Towards a Partnership
* The Company Response
* The Business Contribution to Higher Education
* A Lead for the Future

Contributi: Roger Brown, Patrick Coldstream, Jack Levy, Jeremy Nicholls, Paula Tayer-Dyson

Collana: Isvet-Istituto per gli Studi sullo Sviluppo Economico e il Progesso Tecnico - Documenti

Argomenti: Economia del lavoro - Sociologia dell'educazione

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