International networks as complex adaptive systems

Autori/Curatori Andrea Moretta Tartaglione, Roberto Bruni
Anno di pubblicazione 2016 Fascicolo 2016/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 21 P. 111-131 Dimensione file 462 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2016-003007
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This conceptual work is a part of the research project about the agents’ organizational behavior toward the internal and external relationships of international networks. The paper states that a framework based on the Complex Adaptive System approach (CAS) could stimulate the agents within international networks - public or private - toward adaptable and flexible relations with the turbulent environments and changing markets, increasing the network viability. It compares the traditional management model with the CAS approach, representing the organizational company’s behavior based on a hierarchical and heterarchical model, highlighting, in the latter, the compatibility with the CAS logic. Nevertheless, it supports the relevance of relations, information and value maximization in the network viability.

Keywords:International Network, complex adaptive system, organizational behavior, shared purpose, adaptability, flexibility

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Andrea Moretta Tartaglione, Roberto Bruni, International networks as complex adaptive systems in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 3/2016, pp 111-131, DOI: 10.3280/MC2016-003007