Confini permeabili Una ricerca gruppale sull’affido familiare

Titolo Rivista GRUPPI
Autori/Curatori Paola Scalari
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 104-118 Dimensione file 108 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2009-001009
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Permeable borders. Group research on child fostering - Child fostering is an important resource, as it guarantees that every child has the right of living in a family environment; however, it is also an ambiguous reality because in each minor it involves an emotional controversy among the various groups the child belongs to. In order to understand the complex dynamics of this group interaction, the city of Venice has formed a research group that is coordinated with an operating technique. Indeed, the coordinated group allows its members to learn not only by helping them to reason on the subject, but also by offering them an experience that allows them to live, feel, appraise, touch, share, and analyze what is being dealt with. In fact, the participants have directly experienced the grief of separation, the fear of the new, the confused anxiety caused by the decomposition of old thoughts, the effort involved in migration, the revelation of the importance of the sense of belonging, the transformative potential of each experience. Thus, they have searched for new ideas thanks to the function of a coordinator that is able to combine consideration for the emotional world of the participants and for their conscious conversing. Thus, the emotional experience of the "puer" - which is a part of everyone - has been brought to light. The incomplete parts, the undeveloped potential, the new resources are, in fact, reactivated, and have been able to evolve so as to further an innovative plan for child fostering.

Parole chiave: affido familiare, confini, identità migranti, lutto, trasformazione, apprendimento.

Key words: child fostering, limits, migrant identities, mourning, change, learning.;

Paola Scalari, Confini permeabili Una ricerca gruppale sull’affido familiare in "GRUPPI" 1/2009, pp 104-118, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2009-001009