l'homme contemporain, l'uomo contempoaneo. Lectio Magistralis

Autori/Curatori Michel Serres
Anno di pubblicazione 2003 Fascicolo 2002/33
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 27 P. Dimensione file 137 KB
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The Lectio Magistralis made by Michel Serres when he has been conferred the honorary degree in Sociology at the Urbino University is basically the exposition of the conceptual categories on which Serres sets up the observation of the condition of the contemporary human being. Starting from the digression about the development of space-time categories, and the changes in the human relational dynamics caused by the new technologies, Serres leads us through the suggestions that cross imagery and memory, the story of his own anecdotes and the history of humanity. So the contemporary human being is described by keeping into account the changes of the ancient cognitive faculties, the relationship between body and objects, in the relationship between us and the others. On this base the project to share the knowledge, also interpreted as remote teaching, becomes the way to consciously integrate the contemporaneity status with the possibility of a true worldwide democracy.;

Michel Serres, l'homme contemporain, l'uomo contempoaneo. Lectio Magistralis in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 33/2002, pp , DOI: