Design International


Direction: Silvia Piardi

Scientific Board:
Alessandro Biamonti, Alba Cappellieri, Mauro Ceconello, Claudio Germak, Ezio Manzini, Carlo Martino, Promil Pande, Mario Piazza, Angelica Ponzio, Francesco Scullica, Francesca Tosi, Yingchun Zang

Editorial Board:
Alessia Brischetto, Alessio Caccamo, Barbara Camocini,
Giuseppe Carmosino, Eugenia Chiara, Andrea Di Salvo, Elena Elgani,
Silvia Gramegna, Shashwat M. Pande, Gustavo Alfonso Rincon,
Fabiano Scherer, Daniela Selloni, Davide Spallazzo, Livia Tenuta

The Design International series was launched in 2017 as a place for cultural exchange between the different design souls. Over the years, the series has consolidated its position as a point of reference for international research, outlining a continuously updated research map.
The Scientific Committee, consisting of experts in fashion, interiors, graphics, communication, product, service, social interaction, innovation and emotional design guarantees the level of the accepted texts. The Editorial Board, consisting of young experts in the different branches of design, supports the work of the scientific committee. After an initial evaluation by the two committees, the texts undergo international double revision.

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Collana Peer Reviewed

La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 38 titoli

Lucia Rampino, Ilaria Mariani

Advancements in Design Research.

11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year.

cod. 10319.2

Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani

Living, Working and Travelling.

New Processes of Hybridization for the Spaces of Hospitality and Work

The focus of this research is mainly on the relationship and the hybridization processes between hospitality spaces (mainly hotels and hostels) and workspaces for knowledge worker (offices, smart-office, co-working, hubs) in the field of interior design.

cod. 319.7

Mariana Ciancia

Transmedia Design Framework.

Design-Oriented Approach to Transmedia Practice

The book focuses on Transmedia Design, a field of research that allows researchers and practitioners to analyse, develop, and manage multichannel narrative-based communication systems. The work aims to identify the main features of transmedia projects, to build a glossary that can be shared and to present an original framework: a conceptual and operational tool for designing multichannel narrative-based environments.

cod. 319.6

Anna Meroni, Daniela Selloni

Massive Codesign.

A Proposal for a Collaborative Design Framework

This book focuses on “massive codesign”: the idea that multiple and/or numerous participants having different voices collaborate in a design process broken down into different steps and formats and resulting in a relevant and diversified amount of data.

cod. 10319.1

Luca Guerrini, Paolo Volontè

Dialogues on Design.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2018

This book presents the most updated developments of design research in the form of six dialogues between scholars of the Politecnico di Milano and international scholars. Each dialogue focuses on a specific topic recently addressed on the Politecnico di Milano’s PhD programme: the role of users, social innovation, fashion design, colour design, interaction design and urban design.

cod. 319.5

Maria Rosanna Fossati

Inclusive scenarios for Hospitality.

From integration to social inclusion between Interior Design and Culture

This book promotes an inclusive approach in designing spaces, products and services for Hospitality sector. Methods and tools proposed try to change the actual state of the art in attempt to delineate a cultural change, from integration to social inclusion, through a design drive approach.

cod. 319.3

Alessandro Biamonti, Luca Guerrini

Polimi Design PhD_018.

9 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is an overview on the wide field of research about Design, showing how Design is interpreted nowadays in POLIMI. Nine PhD theses. Nine young researchers. Nine 3-4 years researches carried on by people mainly under 35 years old, coming from all over the world. An international, young, dynamic community, which is approaching complexity of Design from several sides, but with the same passion for building a better world.

cod. 319.2

Barbara Camocini, Davide Fassi

In the Neighbourhood.

Spatial Design and Urban Activation

Neighbourhoods of contemporary cities are ‘hypersensitive’ and ‘fragile’ areas where dismantling and transformation processes generate fragmentation and displacement. Reconstruction and re-occupation of urban spaces guided by residents are becoming increasingly frequent in these places. This book presents some reflections on the role of design discipline in this fertile and proactive context, proposing specific research methodologies and intervention strategies in close relation with the resident population, building new skills, creating original synergies, and new processes of inclusion and social innovation.

cod. 319.1