Trauma and temporal discontinuity in children victims of natural disasters. The Test de trois dessins: Avant, pendant et avenir

Author/s Francesca Giordano, Annalisa Orenti, Monica Lanzoni, Giuseppe Marano, Elia Biganzoli, Cristina Castelli, Thierry Baubet
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/2
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 87-116 File size 172 KB
DOI 10.3280/MAL2015-002005
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Natural catastrophes are traumatic events as they can generate existential shattering in persons’ lives. Drawing has been employed for detecting psychological trauma in children as it allows to show traumatic contents. This study is aimed at exploring the capability of the drawing tool Test de trois dessins: avant, pendant et avenir in pointing out psychological trauma in children victims of earthquake. The sample is comprised of 248 children, aged from 5 to 15, victims of the earthquakes in Abruzzi, Chilli and Haiti. The mixed methodology employed combines the drawing test and posttraumatic scales. Results show the efficacy of the drawing tool in displaying peculiarities of traumatic experience linked to the temporal discontinuity and to the existential shattering generated.

Keywords: Drawing test, trauma, children, natural disasters, earthquake

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Francesca Giordano, Annalisa Orenti, Monica Lanzoni, Giuseppe Marano, Elia Biganzoli, Cristina Castelli, Thierry Baubet, Trauma e discontinuità temporale nei minori vittime di disastri naturali. Il Test de trois dessins: Avant, pendant et avenir in "MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL’INFANZIA" 2/2015, pp 87-116, DOI: 10.3280/MAL2015-002005